miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Luchar contra los pecados en Rusia - Fighting Sins In One Russian City

En una ciudad de Rusia, la iglesia ortodoxa lucha contra la prostitución llevando a las prostitutas hacia el cura para que este les diga a ellas que lo que hacen es un "pecado". Os imaginais lo mismo con Rocco?

English Version

In one Russian city the Russian Orthodox church got involved in fighting prostitution.
After the prostitutes had been arrested, they would usually be taken to do community service, but now they were taken to a Priest, who told them that prostitution was a sin. The Priest appealed to the girls to turn to religion and stop their trade.
What a great start, but it is hard to believe that any of those girls would ever listen to the church.
The prostitutes look like they are more into their own thing other than worrying about the Priest, they are even texting as he is speaking to them.

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